Steps to follow

Note that this action can only be performed by an administrator user.

1. Go to the “Contacts” tab.


2. Click on the contact you wish to edit.

3. Click on “Edit” in the top right-hand corner.

Contact modifier 2

4. Enter the janitor’s e-mail address.

Fiche contact 1

5. On the third page of the dialog window, change the user role to “Janitor”.

6. Enter the user name and any other information you deem necessary.
The janitor will receive his or her username and password by e-mail.

fiche concierge

7. Click on “Finish”.

annuler suivant terminer

8. Go to the “Real Estate Parkl” tab and the “Properties” sub-tab.

Comment ajouter des documents a votre immeuble

9. Click on the property to which the janitor is assigned.

10. Click on “Edit” in the top right-hand corner.

immeuble modifier

11. On the third page of the dialog window, click on “Select janitors” and select the janitor you’ve just created.

selection concierge
selection concierge 2

12. Click on “OK”.

annuler OK

13. Click on “Finish”.

annuler precedent suivant terminer

14. Go to the “Real Estate Park” tab and the “Leases” sub-tab.

Comment ajouter un bail

15. Click on the lease to which the janitor now has access.

16. On the fifth page of the dialog window, in the “Janitorial service” section, check “Yes” to give the janitor access to this unit.

Bail fenetre 5

17. Click on “Finish”.

bonton bail terminer

18. Repeat steps 15 to 17 for all leases to which the janitor now has access.

You have now created access for a janitor.
A janitor can collect and increase rents, renew leases and reserve the units to which he or she is assigned. He can also add, view and modify appointments, service calls and jobs for these buildings. In addition, he can consult the list of tenants and send them e-mails and SMS messages.