Steps to Follow
1. Go to the “Finances” tab and the “Budgets” subtab.
2. Click on “Add” at the top right.
3. Enter the name of your budget.
4. Select the start and end dates of the budget, or tick “Recurring” if you want the same budget to repeat itself for multiple weeks or months. In this case, the duration of the budget will be the number of weeks/months, and it will repeat itself the number of times written on the right. “Every 1 month(s) x 12” means that the monthly budget will repeat itself for a year.
5. Enter the amounts you have planned for each aspect of your income and expenses.
6. Click on “Finish.”
7. If you create a recurring budget, click on “Yes” to the question that appears to modify the following budgets.
8. To increase all the amounts by a percentage, enter the percentage in the “Increase” section.
9. Click on “Finish.”
10. Click on “Report” at the top right to visualize your budget as a report.
11. Select the period of the budget you have just created.
12. Select “Income detailed by” and “Expenses detailed by” to have a more detailed report.
13. Tick “Comparison with the Current Period” or “Comparison with the Previous Year” to compare the budget.
You have now created a budget.