November 2023
Change log


PEX-645 When creating a lease, next to each tenant there is a new “Payer” box which, when checked, displays the default payer on the collection. If there is more than one tenant in the lease, only those tenants whose payer box is checked will be displayed.

PEX-557 It’s now possible to schedule an e-mail to be sent at a later date. When creating an e-mail, next to the “Send” button you will see an arrow pointing downwards. Clicking on it will give you the parameters to schedule a send and even create a recurrence.

PEX-645 Improved electronic payment distribution when there is more than one tenant but only one payer.

PEX-316 On the Lease Renewal window, several fields such as Notice, Sent, Response, etc. have been added to provide a complete picture of tenant responses. When letters of increase are sent electronically, Proprio Expert automatically retrieves the responses when the default response fields are used. You will also be able to find out the exact date on which the tenant responded.

PEX-110 It is now possible to specify whether assets and liabilities are current or long-term. If these accounts are used and you get a warning message linked to “account term”, you need to go back to the chart of accounts to specify it.


PEX-652 The generation of the ppa file for suppliers does not seem to work. A patch has been applied to correct the problem.