Steps to Follow

1. Go to the “Real Estate Park” tab and the “Companies” subtab.


2. Click on “Add” at the top right.

Companies add 1

3. Enter the name of your first company, its address and any other information you deem necessary.

Company name and address

4. Click on “Finish”, and the creation box for a property will appear.

Cancel next finish

5. Enter the address of your first property and any other information you deem necessary.

Property address

6. Click on “Finish”, and the creation box for a unit will appear.

Cancel next finish

7. Enter the unit number and any other information you deem necessary.


8. Click on “Finish”, and the creation box for a lease will appear.

Cancel next finish

9. Enter the name of the tenant(s) and the landlord(s), and click on “Next.”

Lease 1

Cancel next finish Preview

10. Enter the duration dates, and click on “Next.”

Lease 2

Cancel previous next finish Preview 2

11. Enter the rent and any other information you deem necessary, or click on “Finish.”

Lease 3

Cancel previous next finish Preview

12. Go to the “Accounting” tab and the “Collections” subtab.

Accounting collections

13. Check “Previous Balance Due”, and the rent for the lease you just created should appear. Thus, you know which rents must be collected.

Collection window

You are now ready to use Proprio Expert.