Steps to follow

Note that this action can only be performed by an administrator user.

1. Go to the “Contact” tab.


2. Click on the contact you wish to edit.

3. Click on “Edit” in the top right-hand corner.

Contact modifier 2

4. Enter the assitant’s e-mail address.

Fiche contact 1

5. In the third window, in the user access rights section, change the role to “Assistant”.

Droit utilisateur assitant

6. To restrict assistant access to certain companies, check “Restrict by company” and select the companies.

Droit utilisateur assitant cie

7. Enter the user name, and any other information you deem necessary.
The assistant will receive his username and password by e-mail.

Droit utilisateur assitant

8. Click on “Finish”.

boutons 2

You have now created access for an assistant.
An assistant can consult and modify data in the same way as the manager, but has no access to finances.